Thursday, December 13th, 2018
(please note date change from the 6th to the 13th)
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Check-In & Networking
8:30 AM - 8:40 AM Welcome New Members & Guests
8:40 AM – 8:50 AM Chapter Business / Legislative Update
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM Sponsor
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Program
10:30 - Raffle drawing
Approved for 1.25 SHRM PDC's & HRCI credits
TOPIC: Effectively Navigating the Conflict Spectrum
Conflict is a natural part of the workplace and, if managed well, it can be a productive part of the work environment and an opportunity for growth. Converting conflicts into value begins before the conflict escalates with the triaging or assessing of the conflict situation. Starting with some proactive steps and then continuing to manage the conflict through its lifecycle – engaging in a “conflict partnership” - can lead to some positive and transforming results.
In this presentation, Michael Zeytoonian, a former litigator and now mediator, ombudsman and settlement counselor, offers a pragmatic, rational approach to managing and resolving workplace conflicts. The program will discuss ways to avoid the collateral damage that comes from missing the opportunities to engage and embrace the conflict early and proactively. He will examine some of the tools, approaches and practices that are part of dispute resolution, including what they are, when and how to utilize them to meet both the emotional and the practical interests and needs of all of us in the workplace, and how they can help turn conflicts into opportunities to restore and improve the health of today’s workplace.
Participants will learn about different approaches, how they work and when to use them, including:
- Ombuds Services
- Collaborative Law
- Early Mediation
- Settlement Counsel
Participants will gain some insights and hands-on experience in triaging a dispute, factors to consider in assessing the conflict, and some proactive measures to take using techniques including reframing, active listening, acknowledging and modeling empathy.
Our Speaker: Michael Zeytoonian

Michael A. Zeytoonian, founding member of Dispute Resolution Counsel, LLC and is a lawyer, mediator and ombudsman. His practice focuses on all aspects of employment law and small business, non-profit and partnership disputes. He represents both employers and employees, or serves as a neutral mediator, and works with people to restore the good to their situations.
He is a past chairman of the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA) Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, a member of the MBA Dispute Resolution Section Council, past Board President and member of the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the Global Collaborative Law Council. Michael writes and lectures frequently at law schools and law conferences on Collaborative Law, Mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR), and he has trained lawyers and presented on Collaborative Law and Mediation throughout the United States, Canada, Ireland and Holland. He is co-author of Collaborative Law: Practice and Procedures (MCLE, Boston 2014). He has been recognized and listed as a Massachusetts Super Lawyer in the practice area of Civil Collaborative Law.
Michael previously worked served as Assistant Attorney General in the Office of the Attorney General of the State of New York and as an Assistant County Attorney in the Westchester County (NY) Law Department. He is admitted to practice in the state and federal district courts of Massachusetts and New York and the state of Connecticut. His undergraduate education was at Boston College and Iona College, and he earned his J. D. from Pace University School of Law with a Certificate in Environmental Law.
Be sure to bring some $CASH$ for our raffle to benefit the SHRM Foundation!
Raffle ticket prices
3 for $5.00 and 15 for $10.00.
Prizes include Gift Baskets, Bose Speaker & Gift Cards
Our Sponsor: Interested in sponsoring? Contact Julie Moore at
LOCATION: Comfort Home Care, 147 Pelham Street, Methuen, MA 01844 - 2ND Floor - IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to park in the side parking lot to the left of the building and not in the front spaces. - Thank you for your cooperation!
More information and online registration:
Effectively Navigating the Conflict Spectrum
*Join GMVRA’s LinkedIn group to share knowledge with your HR colleagues*
For more information:
Contact: Lisa Lemieux, PHR, SHRM-CP
Phone: 978-204-3207