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Greater Merrimack Valley Human Resource Association

I Think, Therefore I Am... Biased

  • 04 May 2023
  • 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Webinar


  • Speaker/Presenter
  • If registering as the sponsor please send Logo and Company Description to

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Thursday, May 4, 2023

Remote Meeting

8:00 AM - 8:15 AM Networking Opportunity

8:15 AM - 8:30 AM Welcome from Lisa Monsein

             8:30 AM - 8:55 Legal Update and Q&A with Deb Najjar
             9:00 - 10:30 Program

      1.5 SHRM & HRCI credits approved

TOPIC: "I Think, Therefore I Am... Biased"

How the Natural Tendency to Form

Biases Manifests Itself in the Legal


The human brain is wired to recognize patterns and make generalizations, even those based on faulty or incomplete information. And contrary to popular opinion, lawyers are human as well and therefore, we are just as susceptible to forming biases and acting upon them. And it does not require that we harbor ill will or animus towards other people. In fact, most often, our biases are not even our own, but rather those that have been taught to us. 

In this eye-opening presentation, legal humorist Sean Carter will demonstrate just how easy it is to form these biases, how they manifest themselves in the way we treat clients, customers and colleagues, and most importantly, how we can reduce the effect of these biases by recognizing and compensating for them.

Our Speaker:  Sean Carter

Mr. Carter graduated from Harvard Law School in 1992. His ten years of legal practice focused on corporate securities and mergers and acquisitions. During this time, he represented such clients as GNC, Experian, The Boston Beer Company, Homeside Lending, Safelite Auto Glass, J. Crew and many others, before eventually serving as inhouse counsel to a publicly-traded finance company. 

In 2002, Mr. Carter left the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law. Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering his Lawpsided Seminars for state and local bar associations, law firms, in-house corporate legal departments and law schools. Each year, he presents more than 100 humorous programs on such topics as legal ethics, stress management, constitutional law, legal marketing and much more. 

Mr. Carter is the author of the first-ever comedic legal treatise -- If It Does Not Fit, Must You Acquit?: Your Humorous Guide to the Law. His syndicated legal humor column has appeared in general circulation newspapers in more than 30 states and his weekly humor column for lawyers appeared in the ABA e-Report from 2003 to 2006.

Our Sponsor: Interesting in Sponsoring? Contact Julie Moore at or Lisa Lemieux at

Location: Webinar

For more information:

Contact: Caitlin Clary


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