Thursday, February 6, 2020
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Check-In & Networking
8:30 AM - 8:40 AM Welcome New Members & Guests
8:40 AM - 8:50 AM Chapter Business / Legislative Update
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM Sponsor
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Program
Approved for 1.50 SHRM & HRCI Business Credits
Topic: Building HR Analytical Capabilities
Regardless of the size of your HR department and your company, organizations are calling on their HR practitioners to bring practical knowledge of metrics and to support a people strategy that supports business outcomes. Building an HR analytical capability may be overwhelming, but with the structured approach presented in this session, anyone can do it. Learn methods for tracking and communicating HR-related business results, using Excel, that are specific, measurable, relevant and timely.
Learning Objectives:
- A step-by-step approach to starting your first HR analytics project using Excel.
- Develop metrics that support business planning.
- Develop, track and implement key business objectives for HR.
- Create business metric-based scorecards
Speaker: Gretchen Uhas, Uhas Computer Training
Gretchen graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education. Because of budget constraints in the public schools, Music Education was reduced significantly and in some cases eliminated. As a military wife whose husband was frequently relocated, Gretchen stayed at home to raise her 2 children.
When her husband left the military, they relocated to Massachusetts. She was employed by a publicly-held manufacturing firm where she supported both the CEO and VP of Finance. It was there that she began her training career. The company had only Wang Word Processing systems for the secretaries, and the Finance department shared one PC with Lotus 123. When the company changed from the Wang system to PCs, Gretchen discovered her passion – she learned as much as she could about this new software and then shared it with others at lunch … yes, at lunch, as the management did not support internal training during work hours! Upon hiring an IT manager, the company decided to toss out the Lotus products and bring in Microsoft Office. This became another opportunity for Gretchen to read, learn, and share… all during lunch.
For over 15 years, Gretchen also was a volunteer with the Greater Lowell Council of the Boy Scouts of America. She started with a volunteer leader position that would require “only one hour a month” and eventually became the Training Chair for all of the Council’s training of youth and leaders.
Twenty-three years ago, Gretchen and her husband decided that a move to NH would be best for them; they built their home in Lyndeborough where they continue to reside. This move then took Gretchen’s career to a new path – at her going away party the CEO of her Massachusetts employer said, “Gretchen is leaving a bunch of animals to work with animals!” She was the hospital manager at a veterinary practice near her home in NH for several years before the call to train was too loud for her to ignore. Uhas Computer Training was the result. Gretchen Uhas has been training since 2000 and has been the owner of Uhas Computer Training since 2003. Gretchen is a Microsoft Office Master Instructor. Her expertise in Microsoft Office allows for customized training for her corporate clients, who have included: Arc of the South Shore, Axis Communications, BTU International, DGC CPA, Digital Prospectors, ECCO USA, Elbit Systems, GL&V, Gunstock Mountain Resort, Hypertherm, Methuen Construction, NH Public Radio, NorthEast Electrical Distributors, Panera Bread, Rugby Architectural Building Products, Southern NH University, The Moore Center, and XMA Corporation.
Gretchen is passionate about Excel and the many features that it includes. Most people know just what they need to know to perform the duties of their job … doing things the way they have always been done. Once they have participated in a training session, they are often able to use Excel in an easier, more efficient, more effective way.
Our Sponsor:
Comfort Home Care
147 Pelham Street, 2nd Fl
Methuen, MA 01844
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to park in the side parking lot to the left of the building and not in the front spaces. - Thank you for your cooperation!
For more information:
Contact: Lisa Lemieux, PHR, SHRM-CP
Phone: 978-204-3207