Thursday, November 7 , 2019
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Check-In & Networking
8:30 AM - 8:40 AM Welcome New Members & Guests
8:40 AM - 8:50 AM Chapter Business / Legislative Update
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM Sponsor
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Program
Approved for 1.50 SHRM PDC's & HRCI credits
TOPIC: Surviving the Life or Death Gap – Establishing a Solid Foundation and Understanding of True Safety & Security (This is a Blue-U Defense presentation)
For training to be truly effective it must start with establishing a solid foundation, or basis, for its need. It’s success or failure is highly dependent upon its ability to get people’s attention and instill a very strong level of desire to crave more. Success in establishing a solid foundation must begin with bringing a high level of understanding of the problem, or challenges, that its solutions are meant to resolve. The Blue-U Defense “Surviving The Life or Death Gap” has been called “the best training IN ANY TOPIC”; “Life-changing and life-saving! Everyone needs this”; “the most engaging training course I’ve ever experienced”.
Surviving The Life or Death Gap starts with building this necessary foundation and establishing a very high level of understanding of what we face during a sudden unplanned incident of violence and how our natural reactions as human beings impacts our ability to be able to respond. It solidly establishes the need to think differently about ourselves and what is truly necessary to survive, win, and go home. In fact, based on feedback from thousands of people and hundreds of organizations, no other training even comes close to the effectiveness of this course.
This course also provides a solid understanding of the basic remedies, both mental and physical aspects, to the challenges that we will undoubtedly face if we ever find ourselves a victim of a sudden, unplanned incident of violence. Students walk away from this course with not only a strong desire to learn more, but to immediately begin to utilize the remedies presented.
This is truly a life changing and potentially life-saving course.
Terry Choate, Jr
Terry Choate, Jr is a Co-Founder and CEO of Blue-U Defense. He has amassed extremely high levels of training and experience in law enforcement-related areas of expertise over his 15 years as a full-time law enforcement officer and SWAT Team Commander including Drug Enforcement; Predictive Profiling; Danger Human Behavior; Defensive Tactics; Stalking; Tactical Operations; Incident Command; Certified Homeland Protection Professional and on-and-on. He also has amassed significant training levels in the area of high-level corporate security to include CARVER Security Assessment Theory; Corporate and Executive Protection; Surveillance; Counter Surveillance; Anti-Terrorism; Security Advances, Intelligence Operations; and on-and-on. While he emphasizes that this is all extremely impressive, and most think that it’s the profession of law enforcement, military, and security, and the training and experiences inherent in these professions, that gives qualification for instruction in how to stay safe, this is far from reality.
His interest in the topic of understanding criminal activity and keeping people safe started when he was 13 years old and has been his life’s passion ever since. Through his 20 years serving in high-level management positions within the corporate-world, prior to becoming a law enforcement professional, and continuing through his 15 years in law enforcement, understanding criminal activity, how people become criminals, how they choose victims, and what and how we can keep ourselves safe in today's world of dangerous and unique threats has truly been his life’s passion.
He is a “thought-leader on the topic of “true and real safety and security”.
Joe Hileman
Joe Hileman is a Co-Founder and Training Specialist for Blue-U Defense. He served as the Assistant Team Commander of the Monadnock Regional Special Response (SWAT) Team and for 11 years as a Detective with the Jaffrey (NH) Police Department. Prior to his career in Law Enforcement, he served as Security Supervisor at the corporate management level of a Fortune 500 company.
Mr. Hileman holds two A.A. degrees in Criminal Justice – Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice – Corrections, Probation, and Parole. His extensive tactical training includes:
- SWAT 1 and 2 Certification, Tactical Officers and LEADS Consulting
- SWAT Team Leader/Commander
- Use of Force, Active Shooter Instructor
- Narcotics – Covert Surveillance
Our Sponsor:

Assisted Living Locators is a local, FREE service for families who want personalized guidance when researching senior living options. We help throughout the entire decision making process.
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For more information:
Contact: Lisa Lemieux, PHR, SHRM-CP
Phone: 978-204-3207