Thursday, February 7, 2019
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Check-In & Networking
8:30 AM - 8:40 AM Welcome New Members & Guests
8:40 AM - 8:50 AM Chapter Business / Legislative Update
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM Sponsor
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Program
Approved for 1.50 SHRM PDC's and HRCI credits
TOPIC: Holding Employees to Accountability in the Workplace and Ensuring Commitments of Engagement!
Employee often time have a hard time making Commitments of Engagement which can affect their overall performance and commitment to the company and its profitability.
The Commitments of Engagement is an agreement where the HR professionals work with individual employees to create the most effective learning environment for all participants. Individuals are asked to commit to these behavioral guidelines as a way of ensuring everyone fully understands what is expected and accepted during their time together to create an intentional learning community that works for all.
The HR professionals can learn ways to help their employees to:
· Encourage the sharing of ideas and opinions openly and honestly.
· Share positive and constructive feedback with courage and consideration
· Ask employees to practice authentic listening.
· Create an environment that is safe for breakdowns and breakthroughs.
Fear of holding employees to Accountably in the Workplace can be disastrous to any organization. Employees who commit to decisions and standards of performance do not hesitate to hold one another accountable for adhering to those decisions and standards. What’s more, they don’t rely on the manager or team leader as the primary source of accountability but, rather, they go directly to their peers this matters because….
When it comes to teamwork, accountability is the willingness of each employee and team members to remind one another when they are not living up to the standards of the group. It means that the team members have to be willing to call each other on behavioral issues, as uncomfortable as that might be!
Participants will leave the session fully understanding how to;
· Identify Authentic Leadership Criteria
· Determine Ways to Create Accountability
· Understand the Impact of Time Management
· Create and Achieve Goals
· Develop an Action Plan
Susan Leger-Ferraro
Human sustainability is the brainchild of Susan Leger-Ferraro, Founder and Chief Transformation Officer of G3, a new leadership development consulting and training company serving clients across the United States and internationally. Susan Leger-Ferraro is a unique, dynamic social entrepreneur with an unparalleled record of success. Susan has established thriving, transformational organizations across a range of industries. Through her innovative ideas and practices, Susan positively impacts the lives of countless humans and changes the landscape of organizations across the globe.
Susan is the Founder and CEO of G3, Imajine That, Inspirational Ones, and Peace, Love & Happiness Real Estate; Founder and past CEO of Little Sprouts, Inc.
Dan Griffiths
Following a long career in senior management, Dan is currently a master trainer, facilitator, coach and organizational development expert who has worked in such industries as retail, education, manufacturing, nonprofit and healthcare. As Regional Director at the Society For Human Resource (SHRM) the world’s largest Human Resources Association he supported 7 states including CT, MA, ME, NH, OH, RI and VT and was a key presenter on the SHRM Speaker’s Bureau. He also worked to help develop training materials and published books that supported organizations such as Ford Motor Company, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola and many other companies around the world. He has personally trained thousands of employees to help support their company’s mission. His educational background includes a Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a Major in Human Resource Management from Franklin Pierce University. Dan also holds two Human Resources Certifications, one from the Human Resource Certification Institute (PHR) and one from the Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM-CP).
Our Sponsor:
LOCATION: Comfort Home Care, 147 Pelham Street, Methuen, MA 01844 - 2ND Floor - IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to park in the side parking lot to the left of the building and not in the front spaces. - Thank you for your cooperation!
More information and online registration:
*Join GMVRA’s LinkedIn group to share knowledge with your HR colleagues*
For more information:
Contact: Lisa Lemieux, PHR, SHRM-CP
Phone: 978-204-3207